Tuesday, December 10, 2002

A cold front came through last night. Around here that means that today's high was only 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Only. Is it really almost mid-December? According to my language helper it's getting very cold. This doesn't bode well for my hopes of a noticeable winter. When I told her what the temperatures are back in Oklahoma and in some other parts of the States, her eyes opened to twice their normal size. Clearly she questioned the plausibility of anyone being able to exist in such desolate conditions.

To accompany the change in the weather, a cold front of a different kind swept through my head and throat last night, and it appears that I'm sick again, seemingly with the same thing as last time. I hope this isn't becoming a pattern-- one week sick, one week well, one week sick, one week well....

Ah, well. By grace I came here and by grace I'll stay. Something else to keep me humble.

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