Tuesday, November 16, 2004

countdown again ---- Tuesday 16 November

It's that time of the semester-- when suddenly the remaining classes, labs, assignments, etc. begin to be countable on only one hand. Tonight was my next-to-the-last torturous lab in my Stats for Idiots-- whoops, I mean psych majors-- class. (Was that too harsh? I may edit that out at some point in the future when I'm less irked by the utter uselessness of this entire course.) Of course, now this countdown has extra significance, since the end of the semester is all that I'm waiting for before I shake the Norman dust off my feet (again) and move to Houston. If I didn't have classes, I'd already have given my two-weeks' at work and would be ready to leave over Thanksgiving. I'm not usually one to hang on once the decision has been made. Now I have to make a persistent and conscious effort to remember that I am in fact still here and and that I am actually still enrolled in these pre-physical therapy courses that need to be completed. Mentally, however, I'm already gone.

My friend Randy has convinced me (no, it didn't take much arm-twisting; sometimes I am fairly agreeable to suggestions) to activate the site feed for my blog, so here's the link for that: http://sar5ah.blogspot.com/atom.xml. If you have no clue what I might be talking about, don't worry-- I'm not sure I know. But here's Randy's explanation: http://www.randyhoyt.net/posts/2004/05/what.is.syndication/. I'm slowly attempting this myself. Tonight when I downloaded and installed the Wildgrape NewsDesk, however, it was unable to read either Randy's blog feed or mine. So at the moment I can't recommend Wildgrape, though it's almost certainly a problem on my end. Point to take from all of this: don't ask me for help with setting up your news aggregator.

1 comment:

randy said...

Thanks for setting up your site feed. I strongly recommend Bloglines for reading these feeds. It's 100% web-based, so there's no software to install and you can keep up with your feeds from any computer.
