Sunday, January 30, 2005

WOW ---- Sunday 30 January

The show was INCREDIBLE! And I do mean the unable-to-believe-it original facet of that much-overused word, in addition to the more usual amazing-wonderful-tubular-stellar flavour. Not unbelievable because I didn't already think the band was great, but unbelievable because the show was really that good. Things came together in only the way that a live performance can-- no amount of rehearsal, however productive or fun or tight, can possibly replicate the adrenaline rush and intensity that comes with performing for a good crowd. And when the stars align and good karmas collide, channeling that intensity and high into the music produces something spectacular. And then it all feeds on itself. A non-vicious circle of momentum and energy.

So, even though I didn't get to bed until almost 5:00 this morning and by that point I was so drained I was nearly running into walls, I'm still partially riding the high of a good performance. And, as the bass player put it, I've been "annexed" by the band. The edict says that I will be returning to Dallas for future rehearsals and recording sessions and shows. In fact, I've already started working on some new songs with them.

I also really enjoyed The Chemistry Set, the band that played right before us. I just looked up their website to include in this post [], and apparently they're playing in Houston at Rudyard's on 5 February, which is this coming Saturday. I'll definitely be there. I'm not sure that anyone around Houston reads this blog (though Matt the keyboard/guitar player did check it out once, which is how this whole musical expedition got started), but if anyone is out there, let me know if you want to go.

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